News & Blog

Major Media Articles on Mind Control & MK-ULTRA

April 2nd, 2023

See the Want to Know Information.Info website for mind control and MK-ULTRA articles by major media outlets, such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, BBC News, NBC, ABC, Times of London, The Guardian, and many others. A number of these articles refer to MK-ULTRA. 

Victim of MK-ULTRA: The Shaman Boy Who Protected Us

January 28th, 2020

A series of articles on Bill’s childhood experiences in the MK-ULTRA program appeared in The Diablo Gazette Magazine. Below is the third article by David King and Bill Yarborough. Bill Yarborough of Clayton has lived a successful adult life, working for a large public accounting firm and then in the financial industry. He has served […]

Diablo Gazette Article – Writing Aids Recovery

January 20th, 2020

A series of articles on Bill’s childhood experiences in the MK-ULTRA program appeared in The Diablo Gazette Magazine. Below is the fourth article by David King and Bill Yarborough. Bill Yarborough of Clayton has lived a successful adult life, working for a large public accounting firm and then in the financial industry. He has served […]

Poisoner in Chief by Stephen Kinzer – Sidney Gottlieb, Head of MK-ULTRA

December 20th, 2019

Poisoner in Chief by Stephen Kinzer published in 2019 is one of the best MK-ULTRA books I’ve read.  It follows the career of Sidney Gottlieb who headed the MK-ULTRA program and made poisons for CIA assassination plots. Kinser thoroughly documents MK-ULTRA practices, such as: widespread deployment of secret mind-control experiments, use of former Nazi SS […]

Presidential Committee Testimony About CIA Mind Control Experiments on Children

December 5th, 2019

Although MK-ULTRA mind control experiments were predominately conducted on adults, there were programs involving children. The President’s Committee on Radiation Experiments heard testimony on March 15, 1995, about CIA mind control experiments on children. The committee heard the testimony since doctors who administered mind control experiments also were identified as conducting radiation experiments. Some of […]