Meet Bill
Meet Bill

Bill Yarborough has enjoyed writing for many years. Manhattan Book Group published his debut novel, Memories of MK-ULTRA, in December 2024. The story, the first in a series, is inspired by repressed traumatic memories from Bill’s young childhood when he, along with his brother and sister, underwent experiments in the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control program. The novel series focuses on the protagonist’s childhood experiences and his adult journey of discovery, healing, and transformation.
Bill’s fiction short story “Night Mother” was published by Prolific Press in an anthology of short stories, Jitter Issue # 8, and his short story “More Than a Christmas Party” was in the anthology, The Ripple Effect. Bill is currently working on the second novel of his series and is co-authoring a novella with his sister.
On the nonfiction front, Bill and his wife, Inge, are working on a book entitled EFT on Steroids – The Extraordinary Benefit of Communal Tapping. He also co-authored an emotional health column in the Diablo Gazette Magazine with Dr. Holly Holmes-Meredith. Holly serves as the director of HCH. She has four decades of experience in education, psychology, hypnotherapy, and other psychospiritual therapies.
If you are interested in reading articles from their column, select the “Books and Other Releases tab above. Bill also co-authored a series of five articles in the Diablo Gazette Magazine with David King on his MK-ULTRA Childhood Experiences and Healing Journey.
Bill embarked on his healing journey soon after his repressed memories surfaced. He has used many approaches in this work, including psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, parts therapy, sand play, Journey Work, EMDR, Reiki, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Bill and Inge are certified Hypnotherapists, EFT practitioners, and Reiki Masters. They will soon provide individual EFT coaching sessions.
Bill lives with his informal editor and wife, Inge. Besides embracing the joys of becoming a dad for three kids approaching their teenage years when he married, he served in the financial industry and was board president for two non-profits.
If you are interested in learning more about Bill’s childhood experiences and healing journey or reading his articles, select the following tabs above: “Book and Other Releases”, “News & Podcast”, and “Blog”. There you can read Bill’s published articles and podcasts on his experiences and healing journey and about his novel Memories of MK-ULTRA.