Memories of
Inspired by Bill Yarborough’s Actual Experiences!

Memories of MK-ULTRA
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Memories of MK-ULTRA
Tommy, Beth, and Curtis Matthews are young children forced to take part in life-altering experiments in the late 1950s. They are placed in MK-ULTRA, a covert CIA mind-control program that is designed to create super soldiers or spies.
Memories of MK-ULTRA (ISBN: 9781963844269) can also be purchased online from Barnes & Noble and many retailers worldwide.
Memories of MK-ULTRA
Book Blurbs
“Individuals Who Read The Novel in Advance of Publication”
Inspired by the Author’s Actual Experiences
Memories of MK-ULTRA
Something horrific happens to Tommy Matthews when he is four—except he remembers none of it. It shapes his life and the man he is becoming, manifesting in strange fears, destructive desires, and an obsession to become president of the United States. What he does not know is that along with his sister, Beth, and his brother, Curtis, the CIA placed them as young children in MK-ULTRA, an insidious and brutal mind control program.
What kinds of children and adults would such a program produce? How would it shape their personalities, their relationships, their performance in school, and ultimately, their career choices? And how would their lives change if, suddenly, in their 30s, they began to recall their traumatic background in MK-ULTRA?
The story contains two interwoven storylines. One follows Dr. Rudolf Holtzmann, a Nazi-trained MK-ULTRA psychiatrist charged with engineering super soldiers and spies at the Gateway School, a CIA facility outside of Washington D.C. He also has a secret agenda from a European cabal to control world events by indoctrinating future political leaders. But Holtzmann’s work is compromised by dangerous forces surrounding him and by one his experimental subjects, a Mexican boy with shamanic gifts. As he struggles to regain control of the Gateway School, Holtzmann uncovers both a monstrous plot that could lead to global destruction—and the potential for human consciousness to evolve.
The other tracks the quirky developments of Tommy, Beth, and Curtis as they grow up in rural Maryland, then suburban Texas. The smart, artistic Beth develops into a rebellious teenager whose search for alternative states of consciousness blends in with the drug-crazed culture of the late 1960s—until her love of books leads to a career as a science fiction author. Gregarious, tough-guy Curtis dreams of joining the military and later of movie stardom. Meanwhile, Tommy, plagued by fears and destructive desires, is concerned over his unquenchable obsession to become President—given his fascination with nuclear war. But he forges ahead, and when he joins the staff of a U.S. congressman, his political career seems set.
Invisible strings pull the siblings toward their preordained destinies. But when Curtis has a psychotic breakdown followed by Beth receiving a startling vision, Tommy seeks help. This leads to the detective work of Lynn Snyder, a diligent therapist. As she and Tommy strive to unravel the hidden tapestry of deception, a source of light appears. Will it be enough to the set the siblings free?
Memories of MK-ULTRA opens a window into the multiple dimensions of the human mind and soul and forces us to question memory, identity, and the fragile concept of truth. The novel also explores themes of resilience, self-discovery, and the triumph of the human spirit. It’s the first book of a trilogy.

Recommended Articles
Articles on Mind Control and MK-ULTRA
See the Want to Know Information.Info website for mind control articles by major media outlets, such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, BBC News, NBC, ABC, Times of London, The Guardian, and many others. A number of these articles refer to MK-ULTRA.
Although MK-ULTRA mind control experiments were predominately conducted on adults, there were programs involving children. The President’s Committee on Radiation Experiments heard testimony on March 15, 1995, about CIA mind control experiments on children. Jon Rapaport highlighted this testimony in his article.
What is MK-ULTRA
From 1953 to 1964, the CIA illegally operated a secret mind control program called MK-ULTRA. The program experimented with psychedelic drugs, electroshock, hypnosis, psychological assault, isolation, sensory deprivation, sexual abuse, and other forms of torture. MK-ULTRA conducted these experiments on American and foreign citizens, often without their knowledge or consent.
There were 149 separate MK-ULTRA subprojects with three broad aims: perfecting interrogation methods, conditioning CIA agents not to divulge secrets; and developing mind control techniques. A driving force in creating MK-ULTRA was paranoia that the Soviet Union, China, and Korea were engaged in similar activities. Although MK-ULTRA experimented predominately on adults, it also experimented on college students and children.
MK-ULTRA carried out its research activities at over 80 institutions, including universities and colleges, hospitals, prisons, government agencies, and other entities. In many cases, these organizations were unaware the CIA was the sponsor of their research and the source of funding. In its obsession to gain mind control expertise, the CIA recruited ex Nazi SS officers who operated the death camps.
MK-ULTRA received significant public attention in the 1970s from the work of the Frank Church Committee of the United States Senate and President Ford’s Rockefeller Commission. Prior to these investigations, Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA records destroyed in 1973 when he resigned as CIA Director. Although a vast amount of material was lost, many records survived. In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered 20,000 documents relating to MK-ULTRA. Significant journalistic investigations followed, highlighting the numerous abuses of MK-ULTRA. After the Senate and other government groups completed their investigations, reforms were implemented to prevent future CIA abuses. MK-ULTRA was preceded by Project Bluebird and Project ARTICHOKE prior to 1953 and succeeded by MKSEARCH in 1964.
The impact of MK-ULTRA continued after it’s shut down. Stephen Kinzer in his book Poisoner In Chief and John Marks in his book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate highlighted how the widespread drug experiments by MK-ULTRA contributed to launching the drug fascination and counter culture movement of the 1960s. Naomi Klein in her book The Shock Doctrine documents how the CIA used MK-ULTRA techniques to orchestrate a coup and dictatorship in Chile and to assist Russia and China in their abrupt transformations to capitalism, which created the Russian oligarchies of today.
MK-ULTRA Books Bill Recommends
Follows the career of Sidney Gottlieb, who headed the CIA’s MK-ULTRA program and made poisons for CIA assassination plots. Kinser thoroughly documents MK-ULTRA practices, such as:
- Widespread deployment of secret mind-control experiments.
- Use of former Nazi SS concentration camp officers.
- Use of mind-altering drugs on adults, college students, and children.
- Engagement in numerous unethical experiments on individuals without their consent.
The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and NPR’s Fresh Air all favorably reviewed Poisoner in Chief.
Marks helped uncover MK-ULTRA when the CIA released 16,000 pages of documents to him under the Freedom of Information Act. In his book, Marks discloses experiments with drugs, hypnosis, electroshock, and other techniques performed on members of the agency, mental patients, prisoners, students, and unwitting drug subjects picked up by prostitutes hired by the CIA. He shows how the CIA’s LSD and other drug experiments contributed to the drug fascination and countercultural movement of the 1960s. The Search for The Manchurian Candidate was reviewed favorable by the Washington Post, The New York Magazine, and the American Political Science Review.
The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein — Reveals the long-term impact of MK-ULTRA. Early in her book, Klein documents various MK-ULTRA programs using electroshock, LSD, and other torture techniques to place the mind into a state of shock for mind control purposes. Ultimately, the CIA used these techniques to advance radical privatization agendas throughout the world. These shock techniques helped orchestrate General Augusto Pinochet’s coup and dictatorship in Chile and Russia’s abrupt transformation to capitalism, creating the Russian oligarchies of today. Klein documents other countries where the shock doctrine was deployed, including Argentina, and the United States. The Shock Doctrine has been favorably reviewed by The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, and The Guardian.
Bill’s MK-ULTRA Childhood Experiences
Learn About Bill’s MK-ULTRA Childhood Experiences and Healing Journey

The Authors Show with Bill Yarborough runs for 16 minutes. Listeners can start listening from the very start. Pick whatever platform you prefer or you may download the Mp3 below. Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio, Pandora, Soundcloud
Poisoner in Chief, Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control, Henry Holt and Co, by Stephen Kinzer, 2019, ISBN 9781250140432
The Serach for the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks, W. W. Norton & Company LTD, 1999, ISBN 978-0-393-30794-8
The Shock Doctrine, the Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Picador, A Metropolitan Book, Henry Holt and Co., by Naomi Kline, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0-312-24799-3
MKUltra, Wikipedia, 2023,