When a press release announced the publication of my novel, “Memories of MK-ULTRA,” in December 2024, more than 800 media outlets published it worldwide, including AP News, Yahoo Finance, Benzinga, Business Insider, and the websites of numerous American television affiliates.
However, the first media outlet to publish an article about my MK-ULTRA experiences and novel in progress was the Diablo Gazette through several issues during 2019. In its January 2025 issue, the Diablo Gazette included an article about my novel’s publication. A special thanks to Editor David King for his support. To explore the full article and gain deeper insights into my journey, visit the Diablo Gazette’s January article https://www.diablogazette.com/2025/01/claytons-mk-ultra-“victims-revealing-new-novel/.
I am also grateful for the 800 plus media outlets that published my novel’s December press release. Read one at Yahoo Finance.
In “Memories of MK-ULTRA,” I attempt to show the resilience of the human spirit while opening a window into the multiple dimensions of the human mind and soul. If you want to learn more about the novel and MK-ULTRA, go to https://billyarborough.com